Monday, September 17, 2018

June 30th 2018

Dear family and friends! 

This week was good. We had transfer calls, and I am staying here in Portland! I love it here so much! 

Here are the highlights of our week:

Tuesday -we had a lesson with our investigator D. We taught her the Plan of Salvation. She is progressing really well. We did invite her to be baptized when she's ready. But we didn't put her on baptismal date because she is moving to Utah on July 10th. But we hope that she will continue the lessons with the missionaries there. She's awesome! 

Wednesday -we went to the D's home. They are going through a really hard time right now. So we talked about Faith with them. And we read some scriptures about faith. During the lesson their dad started yelling at their son. And there was just a lot of tension. Anyway long story short he apologized to me and Sister Beal for making a scene. And he joined us for the lesson. And as we continued to read the scriptures and talk about Faith. The tension left. There a special feeling of the spirit there. 

Thursday -was a very weird and long day! So that morning at 11, we went to a less active home, A . She and her husband of two very cute kids. Her husband isn't a member. Anyway we came over and talked with her and talked to her about how living the Gospel can bring us joy. And we just sat down and talked about that for a while. 
Anyway as we left, we were driving on the road that had loose gravel on it. They were re -doing the road. But other cars were driving on it so we thought it would be okay. Anyway as we were driving we heard this terrible shireking noise and it only happened when we pushed on the gas. So it got so bad that a tow truck had to come get us. And he took us to the Ford dealership to get it checked. We had to leave our car there over night. So we were without a car for a while. Sister S picked us up to take us back to our apartment. When we made it there Sister Beal realized that we left our keys  there at the dealership. So we couldn't get in our apartment. So we went to the office for our apartments and asked of they could make us a copy of our key. And she said that she couldn't. But then I remembered that we had a spare in our room. So that lady was kind enough to let us in our apartment! 

Yesterday we had another lesson with our investigator D. We taught her the Gospel of Jesus Christ. It was a very good Lesson. I knew that Devon felt of the Spirit. I love being a missionary so much! It's seriously the best thing ever!! 

Thank you all for your love and support! Have a great week :) 

Sister Beeson 

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