Saturday, September 22, 2018

August 27th

Hello Family and Friends! 

This week was so so so GOOD!!! Here are the highlights: 

So on Monday night we got a phone call from this guy from Utah. And we were talking to him and then he asked if we ever saw the movie "Love Kennedy."

 We both told him no, but that we heard of it. Anyway,he told us that he is Kennedy's dad! What the!! He told us how he gets lots of emails and this one day he had a feeling to open his inbox. And so he did. And he received this email from this lady named D. And D watched the movie. And after she did she just wanted to change her life around. So she basically told him her life story and that she wants missionaries to come to her house like it showed in the movie. 

So the next day we went to see her. And OH MY!! BEST LESSON EVER! We were there a little too long! But it was very effective. We were also able to meet her 3 kids and her husband. And they all seemed interested! They were just so nice! They said that we are welcome in their home. I love them so much!! I will attach a couple videos of how excited we were! 

On Thursday night we were dropping by some former investigators. And me and Sister Anderson both felt that we needed to do something else. So we pulled over and prayed. After we prayed I had the feeling to knock a couple of houses. So we got put of the car and knocked the first house. The guy said be wasn't interested at all. Sad day. 

But we saw this lady across the street sitting on her porch. So we walked over and said hi to her. We explained to her that we are missionaries. She was nice and seemed interested. She told us that she was christian and that she believes in Jesus Christ. And so I asked her how she shows her faith in Jesus Christ. And she said she prays. She explained to us that she doesn't go to church anymore but she said she wants to again. 

So we invited her to church. We gave her the address and said that we would try to find transportation. We also gave her a BOM and testified how it can bring us closer to Christ. And then we gave her our number and told her to call us anytime. We then asked her if she needed anything. And when we said that she just started to cry. She explained to us how alone she has felt. She said her son was on a camping trip or something and how she was all by herself. She explained that it meant a lot that we came over to talk to her. And then Sister Anderson pulled out her phone and read her a quote. And the spirit was totally there. This lady  started to cry, and me being a sympathic cryer... I started to cry. We both just gave her a hug and just expressed our love for her and God's love for her. I can't wait to meet with her soon :) 

God is very much aware of all of us! I felt God's perfect love for S and D! They are precious daughters of God. 

I love this work so much! It truly is the best! Love you all! 

Sister Beeson 

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