• Hello everyone! 

    Can you believe it's December already? Time is seriously just flying by!

    Well it was a good week! Here are the highlights! 

    On Tuesday we had a lesson with D. 
    We were about to start the lesson but then 10 minutes after we were there- he left.

    But D's  fiancé, V, invited her friend N to come and sit in on the lessons. 
    So we talked to her for a bit. We got to know her. And she asked us some questions. 
    She got emotional and told us that she wants to start meeting with us! We were able to pick her up as another person to teach! We also invited her to church and she said that she would come. We just needed to get her transportation. So we found her a ride. And she and her three kids went to church yesterday! So that we amazing!! 

    On Friday we went to Midland to see a nativity! A member of the ward brought her non-member sister to it. So it was perfect! They had over 900 nativities from all around the world! It was so beautiful! It made me more excited for this Christmas season! 

    We also had trade offs. Sister Anderson  and I were with Sister Patch. All three of us went door knocking Thursday night for a good 30, maybe 40 minutes. After we were done door knocking we were walking back to our car. As we were walking back, this dog started charging after us. I kinda freaked out cause it was a big dog but Sister Anderson said to not move. So I just stood there. The owner ran up and apologized. We started talking to this guy. And explained who we were. He said that he used to be religious. But he told us that ever since his step dad died he stopped going to church and didn't believe that a loving God would let his stepdad die.  I was able to bear my testimony to him of the plan of Salvation and that he will see his dad again. I also was able to bear my testimony to him of the BOM and the peace and comfort he will receive as he reads it. We just thought it was cool cause he said that his step dad died like a year and a half ago of that very day we were there. And his dog happened to run up to us that day. It was was pretty cool! 

    For our worldwide day of service we made rice krispie treats along with a spiritual thought and we would ding dong ditch people that we were teaching and members of the ward. It was actually a lot of fun!! I just love serving!! It seriously is the best! 

    Thank you all for your love and support! I truly love being a missionary in the Michigan Lansing Mission! I am grateful for the testimony I have been able to develop of the Atonement of Jesus Christ! He loves you all! He perfectly understands what you're going through! 

    Love you all! 

    Sister Beeson