• Hello everyone! 

    It has been another great week here in Michigan! It snowed last night a good 6 to 7 inches! So this will be fun :) 

    Wednesday-we had district council and interviews with President and Sister Brennan. I just love the Brennans so much! They always give me wise counsel. And they are just the best mission presidents ever!! 

    Thursday was THANKSGIVING! We had it with D and her family! It was the best Thanksgiving and I will always remember that day forever. 

    J said the prayer for the first time over the food. Usually he doesn't say it and just has one of us say it. But he said a beautiful prayer! And we were also able to pick up D's mom B as a new person to teach so that's exciting! 
    We just had a really fun time with them.

    Sister Anderson was talking to D and Sister Martin was talking to B and I was with the kids-I just love their family
     After that we went PCing in the cold and snow. It was actually really fun. I remember walking and my fingers were SUPER COLD! So I said a prayer in my head and I how I was doing the Lord's work and I asked Heavenly Father to help my hands that they wouldn’t  be cold anymore. And right after I said that prayer my hands became really warm. That was random but I thought it was a cool experience. 

    On Saturday morning we helped a recent convert B clean out his house. His house, mostly in his basement has black mold. So with some help of other ward members from the ward cleaned out his house. We were there with some wars members and we got it all done in like 2 hours! I love serving!! I felt so good after that!! I was just so happy 😊 

    That same night we had a lesson with D. He is doing really well. He just really wants to be baptized. He and his fiance are planning on getting married on June of next year and then he'll get baptized after that.He wants to come closer to God. He's awesome!

    Yesterday was Sunday. D came to church and told us that he prayed and read the BOM and he felt that burning, fuzzy feeling in his chest and he knew it was the spirit. He was just glowing!! 
    T also came to church.  She has been investigating the church for like almost 20 years. She belonged to the Pentecostal church. And she said that God gave her an answer and that was that the Pentecostal church wasn't for her. So she came to church and she said she's gonna come back😀So that was super cool. 

    I am loving this work! And it is crazy that I'm 10 months down! 
    This Church is true the book is blue! 😊😊 love you all!!

    Sister Beeson