Monday, April 30, 2018

April 30th!

Dear Family and Friends!
This week was really long!
On Sunday we had to leave church early because Sister Combe was not feeling well. So we went to the doctors. He said that she had kidney stones and told her that she should go to the ER. But we didn't go to the ER until Tuesday. The Stevenons's were kind enough to drive us. I felt so bad for S. Combe! She was in SO much pain!! They ran a lot of tests for her. Like a urine sample, blood test, a CT scan, and pregnancy test! And an ultrasound. We were probably at the hospital for like 6 hours. And most of that was just us waiting for the test results. But we were able to finally go home and rest. I made sure that S. Combe was getting enough sleep.
And then Friday we had district meeting and interviews. District meeting went well. Elder Burbank is a great teacher. I learn a lot for him. We are learning about how to become better teachers. And the spirit was really there.

Later on we had interviews with President Brennan. He is such a wise man. I told him what I've been going through. Just being really hard on myself. And he listened to me with love and gave me some very wise counsel! He is the example of a perfect, and obedient teacher. I look up to him a lot.
On Saturday. Sis Combe and I  went to the store to buy some cookies to give to a less active family in our branch. We both had the feeling that we needed to. So we went over and they let us in. And I am so glad we came. I talked to the Brother C and basically his story of why is where he is. And it was SO spiritual. I felt the spirit so strong!! He has a strong testimony. There were times he would get teary. And I would cry with him. I felt God's perfect love for him. And what he said is exactly what I needed to hear. I know that we were seriously led there for a reason.
So basically this week I have been earning to press forward. Even through the hardest times. I have felt God's hand in my life this week. I know he perfectly understands what I'm going through. And I know I'm here for a reason. I am learning and growing everyday. And I love it! Thank you all again for you prayers. I have felt them. I love and miss you all. Continue to press forward in your hard times, and I can promise you that you will see the Lord's hand in your life :)
Sister Beeson

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