Sunday, April 22, 2018

March 25

Dear Family and Friends!

This week was a lot better. And I will try my best to put in more details. Sorry if I don't I just don't remember a lot. Everything is seriously a blur. 

Monday: After our p day was finished we went door knocking for a couple of hours. But it was good surprisingly. I was able to forget myself and just get to work. And the work was a lot more enjoyable. We did get rejected, but the people were very nice about it. So that was a blessing. The miracle of that night was while we were door knocking, Sister  called us and told us that this guy named G wanted to be baptized. My companion already taught him in the past and he wasn't interested. But all of a sudden he wants to be baptized, and we believe it's because of the family history he has been doing and getting into. So he is getting baptized on April 8th. We are very excited. And he will be my first baptism! So YAY!!! :) 

Tuesday: All of the new missionaries and their trainers had a follow up missionary meeting, just to see how all of us new missionaries were adjusting. It was good. I was able to see all of the sisters who were in my zone and district at the MTC. It was SO GOOD to see them. They have seriously become like family. When I see them I don't get homesick anymore. But anyway the meeting went well. President Brennan is just so AMAZING! He is very bold like Elder Holland, I love it! 

Wednesday: Nothing really exciting happened. We taught a recent convert. Her name is L. I just love her, she is so hilarious! Later that day we then taught our current investigator F.  He is doing better. He still doesn't know if he wants to be baptized. But that's alright, he is still coming to Church every Sunday. So he is still progressing :) After his lesson we went to Ss house, she is catholic. 

And I don't think she's interested in taking the discussions, but she has us come once a week to come to her house and serve. So last week we cleaned her house while she was doing another project. She was also nice enough to invite us for dinner this Thursday. I get along with her so well. I love to talk with her, and I hope one day she'll become a member. 

Thursday me and Sister Combe did some service at the food bank for a few hours. I like to serve there. It's a great way to forget yourself and get to work! I love it. After that we went to G's house plan for his baptism and days we can come over to teach him last minute lessons before he is baptized. He is very excited! :) Later that night we went to the H's home for dinner and a lesson. So before our lesson there was a bit of contention between their family, but once we opened the Book of Mormon and read a chapter with them the contention left. That just proves how powerful the BOM is! There was just a peace in their home afterwards. I know that the BOM is true!!!! 

Friday was an amazing day! We had the opportunity to go to the Lamb of God. The Lamb of God was kind of like a musical. They had an Orchestra and a choir. With soloists and narrators. And they were just talking of Christ's resurrection. It was just SO amazing. The music was just so beautiful! They are other religions who also go to see the Lamb of God. So I thought that was really neat! But President Brennan had us take off our name tags because the people of lamb of God make us. It did feel weird. I am already attached to my name tag, so taking it off was weird. 

Saturday Sister Combe and I were on a car fast, so we were going to knock doors. And it was freezing outside. So we walked down town and stopped at  this ice cream place called the Chocolate Moose. ( I didn't get any ice cream, still not eating sweets) And we served there. We helped the lady there stuff eggs with candy for a Easter egg hunt they will be having soon. I love doing small acts of service like these. Later the Stevenson's and me and my companion we to visit the less actives in our branch, but none of them were home. But that's ok we were able to drop by a recent converts home, to see how see was doing we also gave her a plate of cookies. Serving others is just the best! I really do love this work. Even thought it's very hard and difficult, it is worth every minute :) 

And yesterday was the Sabbath Day. It was a good day. It was fast Sunday. So me and my companion fasted for the members in our branch, that they will be able to do missionary work as well. We just need to work in more unity together. But I can testify that fasting can truly bring miracles. The branch mission leader brought up in our branch council meeting that all of the members need to be missionaries as well, and to not be afraid to open their mouths, and also to think of referrals to give to us.

And then in relief society they asked me and Sister Combe what they could do and we just said missionary work. And they said they would. That is what we fasted for! So I have a feeling that this week is going to be a better week :) Later that night we went to a Easter Devotional. We were able to take our investigator F to it as well. The music was just amazing. The Spirit was there! Afterwards we asked F how he liked it. And he said he loved it :) 

Well that was my week! As you can see a lot better than last week :) Thank you all for your prayers. I love and miss you all. :) 

Sister Beeson

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