Monday, March 19, 2018

March 12th Letter

Dear family and friends!

My second week here in Michigan was a lot  better than the first. Haha! And to be honest, I don't remember everything that happened this week, everything is a blur, but I will tell you what I do remember.
LOTS of door knocking and finding new investigators. But I did teach my first investigator last week, so that was fun.
We taught this lady named S, and the lesson was ok. I could do better with speaking up. So I will be working on that a lot this week. Anyway, she's really nice. And we will be teaching her again in a couple of weeks cause she is really busy with work. I will give you more details on that when we teach her again.
And then there's N. He's 10. His mom was baptized before I got here. But Sister Combe told me that he did have a baptismal date, but then they had to switch it because he wanted his aunt to be there. The the more we waited the more he was unsure about his decision to be baptized. So as of now, he doesn't want to be baptized :( But we taught them on Saturday. And we talked about testimony, and read Joseph Smith's testimony in the Book of Mormon. His mom was participating in the lesson, but N wasn't really involved. But the lesson I think went really well. I could tell that R felt the Spirit. But Sister Combe and I have been praying that his heart will soften and that he will have a desire to be baptized.
On Friday, was a day of finding the part members in our area, and asking them for referrals. Sadly, we had no luck. But we went to this ladies house, I think her name is K. We knocked on her door, and a man answered the door. We asked him if Kwas there, and he said no and that she doesn't live there anymore. And so we left and went to find the other part members.

About 45 minutes later, my companion had the feeling to go back to that man's house. And we went back and knocked on his door. I told him that we had a feeling to come back, and that we forgot to give him a BOM. And so I testified of the BOM and gave it to him along with a pass along card with our number on it. His name is S and I really hope that he'll call or text us. So far.......nothing.
Our other investigator is F. On Saturday me and my companion and the senior missionaries Elder and Sister Stevenson taught him about prayer. And so we went to the scriptures and looked up stories about prayer. I was able to share a personal experience with him about prayer. And just a background on F, before I got here the sisters had invited him to baptism. He said yes. So they had a date and everything, but then he wasn't sure, he felt like he didn't know enough, so he ended up not getting baptized.

Anyway and so Sister Combe had all of us kneel down and had F ask if what we have taught him is true. And so we probably all knelt down praying for maybe a good 5 to 7 minutes. Afterwards I asked him how he felt, and he said peaceful. And he was right. The spirit there, was just AMAZING!! And I then asked him if he received an answer. And he said that he wasn't sure. We then explained to him that, that peaceful feeling that he felt was his answer. Anyway my companion asked me to invite him to baptism. I was a bit nervous. But I wasn't worried of what I was going to say, and I gained confidence in myself and I invited him to be baptized and he said..........maybe. ugh! I told him that we were having a baptismal service on March 18th and asked him if he would make that date a goal to be baptized and he said he would. I hope and pray that he will have the desire to be baptized this Sunday. 

 Sunday was an amazing day!! So the beginning of the day was very tough and hard. I will say that opposition is so real. Cause that's all I was feeling in the morning. And then we went to Church. And seriously the Spirit was SO strong. Everything that was said was what I really needed to hear. It was just AMAZING!

And then after Church we had a Potluck at the Church. So we stayed and had some lunch then interacted with some of the members there. Then we went door knocking. We had NO luck.......until the VERY LAST DOOR! So my companion had me start the conversation. And so I knocked on the door, and then this man answered. And I introduced ourselves and told him that we are sharing a message on Jesus Christ, and then I asked him if he had a faith in Jesus Christ. He said yes. And then my companion started talking about the Book of Mormon. I asked him if reading the Book of Mormon is something he would want to do. He said maybe. And so without hesitation I grabbed a BOM out of my bag and I testified to him the BOM is true and promised him as he read it he will feel of the Spirit everyday. I also gave him a pass along card with on it and our phone number. My companion asked if we could come by sometime to teach him a lesson. And he told us that he was gonna be out of town for a few weeks, but he gave us his name and phone number so that we could keep in touch with him. His name is C, and I really hope that we will soon teach him a lesson.
So that was my week. I told you it was AMAZING! It's hard, but totally worth it. This week I can say the God was testing and trying our faith. But I know that as we keep having faith in Christ, and press forward, and forget ourselves and get to work, that miracles will happen!
Thank you all for your prayers. I can feel them. Especially this week. THANK YOU ALL!
I love and miss you all :) But not enough to go home!
Sister Beeson

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